Friday, June 05, 2009

Lucky Stars (Free Will/V Voice)

CAPRICORN [December 22–January 19] In astrology, the word "quincunx" refers to a relationship characterized by creative tension. Two planets that are in quincunx are like two people who have an odd affinity for each other, but don't speak the same language. Imagine an Italian woman and an American man meeting at a party and experiencing an immediate chemistry, even though each can barely understand what the other is saying. I bring this up, Capricorn, because these days you're in a quincunx dynamic with pretty much the whole world. To keep frustration to a minimum and enhance the excitement quotient, you should try to crack some of the foreign codes you're surrounded by.

AQUARIUS [January 20–February 18] Philosopher Buckminster Fuller said that although we are all born geniuses, the process of living tends to de-genius us. That's the bad news. The good news is that 2009 is one of the best years ever for you to re-genius yourself, and the month of June is among the best times in 2009. So how should you go about the glorious task of tapping in to the totality of your original brilliance? Here's one tip. Do what Einstein said: "All I want to do is learn the way God thinks. All the rest is details."


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