Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Youth Of Today- In Letters

From todays SMH letters page:
Thanks to Madam Phantasm for pointing out these letters from today's SMH:

'No doubt the laws to protect World Youth Day will apply equally to all major events. It will be great to see the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras benefit from this protection. I can't wait to see Fred Nile being arrested and fined $5500 for praying for rain.

Peter Pitt Potts Point

The simple fact of my existence as a gay man and an atheist would already be an annoyance to most participants at World Youth Day. Can I just pay the fine now and be left in peace?

Ian McMillan Imbil (Qld)

Damn - what am I going to do with the 500 African dolls that I've attached to crucifixes made from inflated condoms?

Dave Watts Clareville'


'"So anyone who annoys or inconveniences pilgrims will face a $5500 fine? I hope the State Government is prepared for how much this is going to cost CityRail." and
'Will it be an offence to wear a T-shirt that says "I'm praying for rain"?'

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