Friday, November 24, 2006

The Shadowers

Its time once again for the Anne Landa award at the AGNSW. As the folk at Saatchi describe it:
'Monica Tichacek won the award for her video and performaces that create emotive worlds of mutation and psychological danger. Last year she produced The Shadowers, a three-screen projection which traced a lush, slightly horrifying sequence of abstract and surreal interactions between a trio of characters. Monika Tichacek's body is the prime visual of her performances; however, unlike the live performance art of the '60s, Tichacek generally performs, films and edits her own work. Yet her performances are similarly explicit and graphic, wherein she sutures her skin and pierces her tongue, acts which complicate the stereotypical tropes of femininity and sexuality.'

The photo above is from the 'dance scene' in this piece. Went and saw this with the GC yesterday, and luckily there was nobody else there and we could sit on the floor in the middle of the screens as I don't think I could have coped had I been standing or having to behave in a civilised manner. I do believe that at several points I was squirming into the carpet, and most probably making 'cunt noises'... words totally fail/ed me, reduced to a series of primal grunts and vague sign language... sutures, jewels, flesh, saliva, tongue pierced into wood...

Its on until February 17, so plenty of time for you all to experience it for yourselves. I know I'll be back there.


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