Wednesday, June 11, 2008


When I chat to PhD-freak friends and they say thinsg like 'I've got to go and teach blogging to a bunch of homeless teenage mums in Penrith tomorrow - oh -and I've just landed a job as a research assistant for a community arts organisation in granville......' I get to thinking that maybe I am really a little lazy? All I really do is write articles for mags, travel, perform, make photo shoots and work on the tome!

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Blogger mayhem said...

Har, har, PhD Freaks indeed! i've just perfected procrastination better than you have!
Hey my mates heard you on triple J - you media slut you!
Love your work
tha missus

8:51 pm  
Blogger Zoo said...

media slut? moi??? that was just a method of phd procrastination, albeit a very public one...

tha hubby

5:16 pm  

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