Thursday, August 23, 2007

Missionary Position

Some people are so wrapped in what they do or who they are that they push their identity and lifestyle choices onto other people. I think its NICE for you that you are macrobiotic or born-again Jesus-lovin' or do yoga three times a day or only consume gluten-free vegan protein shakes or sleep on a wooden board or swear by cold showers or get through the day on four hours sleep and a couple of lines for breakfast. Yay! Good for you! If being a nun or a whore or an accountant or a yabbie farmer or a fire twirler is what makes you smile and gives you purpose then I am happy that you have found your calling. But it doesn't mean its mine, or that I am somehow defective or to be pitied for not treading the same path as you. The fact that I don't want to turn tricks or crunch numbers or exist solely on plant matter or worship a patriarchal and homphobic God does not mean that I am doomed or repressed. Really.

And I am never quite sure whether missionaries are trying to save me or themselves? It may be an honest attempt at shining a light so that lost souls may find their way, or it may just be that some people are so afraid of their own journey that they want to drag everyone else along with them.



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