Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet Stars Smiling Upon Me

Suddenly, it has all started to clear and after this drama today, a mate said she is housesitting in the ghetto and I am welcome to crash there when I need to! Then I just read my Free Will stars, which are PERFECT:

CAPRICORN [December 22–January 19] Four out of every five people testify that if they could, they would buy more time. If you're one of those four, I'm here to tell you that in the coming months, while you may not be able to actually purchase more of that precious commodity, it's quite possible that you'll be able to legally steal it, barter for it, and even create it from scratch. I've got to be cryptic here, because the promise I'm hinting at is, of course, not true in a strictly literal sense: You'll have to tweak your imagination and think a bit sideways and upside-down in order to cash in on the temporal expansions that will be available.

AQUARIUS [January 20–February 18] When she applied for admission to New York University as an undergraduate, Rekha Malhotra was rejected. Years later, after she'd become a well-known Brooklyn DJ, that same school invited her to teach a class, "Pop Culture: South Asians in the U.S." "It was the sweetest revenge," she told Good magazine. I predict a comparable development for you in the coming year, Aquarius. You will find power in a place where you were formerly weak, or you will achieve success in a situation that once shut you out.

BIG SMILES ALL AROUND! Kooky tomorrow! And Tranni Panic drinks! Woohoo!

Sydney Debrief- And Its Only Day Two

Today is one of those horrid days where NOTHING goes smoothly-- perhaps just to remind me of what chaos my little corner of Sydney is and why I LOVE THE QUIET SANITY OF PERTH (please feel free to roll eyes here). So far:
* Lil Brother sick, and therefore just MENTAL. Throwing things, needing pretty much constant attention, being incredibly demanding for last 36 hours or so.
* Mother looks after brother, is exhausted from looking after him, getting bugger all sleep 'cos he wakes up all through the night, and she is caring for other relatives that need to be micro-managed most of the time because they seem to enjoy not being independent.
* Mother, with brother in car, is dropping me off at the mate's place I am staying at so I can dump my suitcase etc. She wants to do it. Have feeling I should just get train but then she wants to drive me around and I have quality time so I let her.
* We finally wrangle brother out of house and into car, get everything packed up etc and then friend texts saying she is leaving her place (45 minutes drive away) NOW. I am surprised, as she was supposed to be in all day and so I had arranged my day around this. Slight panic.
* Friend decides to leave a key out for me in a secret location. I get to house, get key, key no work in lock. My mum tries, I try more, we call my mate who assures it works, we try again, and again. We are locked out. I now have large suitcase, laptop backpack etc and need to go to library. And mother who keeps interrupting my calls, and won't let me just get on with finding a solution to problem. Argue. Feel bad.
* Mad ring around to find person in vicinity that is home so I can drop case there for a bit. Finally get it sorted.
* Get to library. Give brother hug byebye, he moves suddenly and headbutts my nose. It isn't broken, and I don't feel TOO woozy, but it hurts now still (3 hours later).
* Had recieved email from library gimp advising me that library would be open Saturday, after which it shut for the hols. Plan to spend day there tomorrow. Read sign on way in to library, advising me they shut TODAY. Panic, mad dash around grabbing every book I think I might need. One is missing from shelves (yes, checked sorting ones too). The one I ordered and they have filed away for me cannot be found immediately, causing much faffing by several staff members, and is eventually found somewhere random. It then sets off the security alarm on the way out.
* Then I have to run to library on another nearby campus. Need to pee on way, stop at gym block at back of uni where I always stop, toilets all locked up.
Make it to other campus, pee, find library and more books. Phew!
* Decide to check emails and facecrack. Find that man who inadvertently got me kicked off facebook by tagging me in some dodgy photo set has now tagged my NEW PROFILE in the SAME SET. The man is an idiot. Un-tag self, send him very explicit message outlining WHY THIS WAS NOT A GOOD THING TO DO.

Soon, soon, soon I will be at a mate's place for a barbie, a beer or two and a ciggie or two. All will be well. Breathe, breathe, breathe...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Western Theatrical Types-- FUNDING!

For all you divas out there:

The Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative is launched!

Artrage, The Blue Room and PICA are pleased to announce the launch of the Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative (WATDI) - a new funding program that aims to change the face of theatre in WA. Backed by the Australia Council Theatre Board, this program will fund the development of new theatre practice by WA independent artists, companies, collectives and collaborations looking to take creative risks and explore new territory, unencumbered by the pressures of a pre-set production and presentation plan. WATDI is for the entire WA independent theatre sector, across the spectrum of practice, interests and experience. It's an initiative that's all about the creation of sophisticated and ambitious new theatre practice, born through the kind of development support that artists long for, but very rarely have an opportunity to experience. For more information on the Western Australian Theatre Development Initiative, see the WATDI website -

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Sky High

There is a depth to the Western skies, or perhaps more correctly a height, a breadth, the heavens seem further away here...


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pyjama Police

From ABC online:

'Community leaders in Shanghai are trying to break up the love affair of some city residents with walking outside in their pyjamas, state media has reported.'The Rixin neighbourhood committee in the city's north-east has begun a campaign to discourage residents' longstanding habit of wearing pyjamas out of their bedrooms and on the streets, the state-run Youth Daily reported. "We're telling people not to wear pyjamas in the street because it looks very uncivilised," community official Guo Xilin was quoted as saying. The Shanghainese habit of wearing pyjamas in public emerged alongside China's economic reforms over the past 30 years as it became a sign of prosperity, because it meant people did not sleep in tattered old clothes.

For a still visibly large number of Shanghainese, wearing pyjamas outside has become more a way of life than a fashion statement, and to outsiders, the phenomenon is part of the city's charm.Guo, however, called pyjama-wearers "visual pollution" and a public embarrassment to the city. But some residents still argue wearing pyjamas is perfectly acceptable. "Pyjamas are also a type of clothes. It's comfortable, and it's no big deal since everyone wears them outside," a retiree surnamed Ge was quoted as saying. Rixin's pyjama purge campaign is not the first of its kind - in the 1990s Shanghai officials put up signs and ran education campaigns to tell people not to stroll around in night gowns. The campaign's managers eventually gave up.'

Friday, December 12, 2008

Camp, Camp

Does anyone, preferably on the east coast, have a small tent that Monster and I can use for a week or so over new years? And any sort of mattresses, camp lights etc? Would be MOST grateful!


You're Delightful, You're Deluxe-y...

GayInWA provided this lovely pic of the Monster and I at Christmas Deluxe. Thankyou Sweeties! You know I love my paparazzi! And you can even see my light-up tutu in this shot...

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Threadless Sale

Threadless t-shirts has a HUGE sale on, meaning you can get monstrous t-shirts like this from US$5. And they even have kids sizes. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Shy Retiring Type

Les Frog Australie described a new flirtation of hers

i thought she was really aloof
but she's just super shy!
i don't know why i figured she wouldn't be shy cos she's got tattoos and piercings
strange ideas we have
preconceptions i mean

and it made me giggle 'cos this is often what people say of me. and i can be really, really shy in some situations and moods. heehee!

Ginseng Baths

Has anyone been to the old Korean bathhouse in the Cross since it was revamped? Comments? Want to go with the Monster, but not if they have totally destroyed it!


The Bottom Monologues *PARTICIPATE NOW*

Yes, that's right-- The Bottom Monologues. Sort of in the same, ahem, vein as the Vagina Monologues, but not quite. From their The Bottom Monologues Wordpress page:

'I’ve noticed a few folks wondering what’s up with the title — and noting that vagina does not equal Bottom for gay men. First, this isn’t about recreating The Vagina Monologues, so that’s quite alright that it’s not a direct translation. But one reader notes that the word vagina makes people “feel generally awkward, threatened, scared,” while bottom just “makes people giggle.” Well… I’m not sold, actually. In the queer community, identifying as a bottom comes loaded with a heaping serving of stigma. How many boys do we know who desperately try to convince others that they are, in fact, a “top” — not a bottom. This need to present socially as top is all about that stigma. The Bottom Monologues is about destroying that stigma, about queer men proudly proclaiming their decidedly threatening desires.'

What you need to do is get onto the site and submit stories or fill out a questionnaire, as Trevor (one of the organisers) explains:
'But I’m getting ahead of myself. Before we can get this thing on stage, we need to hear from YOU! Yes, that’s right, I said you. Not a bottom? That’s cool. You probably still have a few ideas that you’d like to share about bottoms or getting fucked. So let me explain this process a bit:

I. First, we’re collecting *your* stories about *your* lives as a bottoms, tops, versatiles, or none-of-the-above. We’ve developed this lovely online questionnaire for your fill out that asks some pretty broad questions about bottoms: what is a bottom, what’s great sex as a bottom, what’s different between tops and bottoms — that sort of thing! I think it’s a pretty fun exercise, since most of us really don’t get to talk about bottomming out in the open. Which is exactly what this project is all about!

II. We’ll collect all those amazing and fabulous stories and look for consistencies across them. What’s similar in the stories we get? Is there a particular narrative that pops up in many of your stories? And of course, we’ll also be looking for stories that stand out from those similarities and challenge the those common themes.

III. Once we’ve had a chance to pour over the data, we’ll do our best to distill the stories into “composite characters” — our best effort to boil down dozens of stories into one. These will be the products that will be shown on stage in the “Bottom Monologues,” an expression of the diversity and richness of bottoms’ lived experiences. You may not see the word-for-word account of your fabulous experiences in the final product, but you can be assured that it has had an impact on the stories we’ll tell on stage.'

Now, get to it!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hooked On Bakery

I leave Perth for ONE MINUTE and look what they get up to! Oh well... better find me some hook action in Sydney to make up for this! Any offers??

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I'm very disappointed in you
and I don't handle disappointment well
I'd like to say I could forgive you
But I can never forgive; just forget
Now it would take me ten long years to forget,
That's 12 months of the year
four weeks of the month
and seven days a week
Well that's a very tall order, I got to say--
I don't have that much time to FORGET
That's a whole lot of hard and lonely time
When we could be together
Husband with this knife
I do you adore...

-- Diamanda Galas
'Do You Take This Man?'

All alcohol and cigarettes
There is no room for cheap regrets

-- Boys Next Door

As my grand gift to the world this year, and myself nonetheless, I have decided to forgive everyone who has ever done me wrong. Everyone. Without discrimination. It's not easy, and even as I type this I am listing and replaying a selection of the offenses and abuses in my head-- and it hurts. A lot.

It's time for an emotional detox, into rehab, get rid of the junk feelings and the bad habits. It's scary, REALLY scary, but even thinking about it makes me feel lighter, liberated, free. I realise that I may well need to 'fake it til I make it' in terms of not flinching when certain people enter the room, of consciously NOT recalling past injuries or reliving the darker parts of my past, or pretending to myself and everyone else that I don't want to be back there on some level. And I need a safe space to retreat to, and avoid certain more dangerous places where the temptation to dwell on earlier injuries is strong. Its like an alcoholic avoiding their local pub, or not allowing booze in the house... One day though, you just KNOW it needs to be done, for the good of all concerned, and that you can do it. So here it is. Done, or at least a work in progress.

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INTERSPECIES Private view: 6pm Friday 23 January 2009
24 January – 29 March 2009 (open Tuesday to Sunday)

Cornerhouse 70 Oxford Street ManchesterM1 5NH. Touring to London and Edinburgh

'Interspecies: artists collaborating with animals' consists of four new commissions by artists working closely with different species of animal, and three existing works, stimulated by the anniversary of Darwin's birth.

There have been many examples in history of 'living art', where artists have manipulated the actions of swarms of bees, herded sheep, commanded dogs and sent rats down mazes. But can artists work with animals as equals? It has recently been discovered that humans are closer to the higher primates than was previously thought. Following the well publicised observations by primatologist Jane Goodall and others of chimpanzees in the wild, our nearest relatives resemble us more that previously thought, with behaviour reflecting politics, deception and even possibly creativity as well as being able to be taught sign language to communicate with human primates. What does this mean to the way we humans see ourselves as just one species inhabiting a planet in crisis?

The Arts Catalyst is building on its extensive work in bringing knowledge about contested issues in science to the public through this new touring exhibition, opening at Manchester's Cornerhouse. Interspecies comprises new work by a group of four artists (Nicolas Primat, Kira O'Reilly, Antony Hall and Ruth Maclennan), and existing pieces by Rachel Mayeri, Beatriz Da Costa and Kathy High. All the artists in Interspecies question the one-sided manipulation of non-human life forms for art. They instead try to absorb the animal's point of view as a fundamental part of their work and practice. Nicolas Primat has proposed to work with primatologists and zoos to make a new work in which higher apes are taught video skills. The apes will make the creative decisions, with humans simply providing guidance and training. Primat's work explores how the animals' “natural” communication skills can be extended into the realm of human/ape creative collaboration.

Kira O'Reilly, one of the most experimental and controversial performance artists in the UK, will present an action/installed performance featuring herself and a sleeping female pig. The work addresses the ethics of human and non-human animal interaction, acknowledging the implicit ambivalences and violence in the appropriation of animals as a resource. Antony Hall will encourage the public to directly communicate with live electric fish in the gallery space, through mild electrical impulses (both tactile and visual). The artist's motivation for this project relates to his long term interest in aquariums. Typically installed as calming objects, on closer inspection there are revealed as contained environments of both aggressive conflict and submissive tolerance. The Department of Eagles (Ruth Maclennan) will produce will examine the relationship between falcons and falconers. For centuries, these birds have served to naturalise human surveillance. Arguably, their existence only continues today through human intervention such as tagging, breeding programmes, and the construction of artificial nesting environments. Two existing works will also be shown in the touring exhibition: Rachel Mayeri's 'Primate Cinema', which casts human actors in the role of mating non-human primates, Beatriz Da Costa's 'PigeonBlog' which investigates the military use of homing pigeons.

Interspecies will tour during the Darwin 200 celebrations in 2009. 12 February 2009 marks the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth. Interspecies will open at Cornerhouse in Manchester in January 2009, and then travel to Northumberland, London and Edinburgh A series of talks and debates between the artists, writers, scientists and animal welfare experts will accompany the exhibition.

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

You Must Remember This...

From today's SMH:

'A young woman in southern China has partially lost her hearing after her boyfriend ruptured her eardrum during an excessively passionate kiss, local media reported.
The 20-something girl from Zhuhai, in southern Guangdong province, went to hospital completely deaf in her left ear, the China Daily said, citing a report in a local newspaper. "The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the paper quoted a doctor surnamed Li from the hospital as saying. The woman's hearing would likely return to normal after about two months, Li said. "While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," the paper said.'

Monday, December 08, 2008

Three Moments of Joy

Christmas Deluxe, Friday: Luxe bar, Highgate. Black tutu strung with star lights inbetween the layers of fabric, silver singlet, fishnets, diamantes on face, black and silver eyelashes, red lipstick, shaved head. Dancing, posing, flirting, schmoozing and general acts of complete fabulousness with Monster!

Christ! Mass Drinks!, Saturday: Our manger. Boardies, lei, red grass skirt, swimsuit, rubber thongs. Festively shaped pretzels, strawberries dipped in chocolate, ricotta and berry hotcakes with fresh whipped cream, chips and dip and cheese and delicious rosemary flatbread and oil and dukkah and... Yummy! Started late arvo, flopping about drinking and chatting with a small but somehow perfect group of pals, hours in the spa being cheeky, more chatting and flirting and in bed with Monster-cuddles by midnight.

Markets, Sunday: Fremantle. Big black skirt, sandals, black singlet. Xmas art market, plus regular markets. Didn't buy a scrap for anyone else, but came back with an oil burner, lots of oils, Tinderbox face scrub, clay and soap from Corynne's for myself (and kitties and DVDs we collected in Lawley), plus the glow you get from wandering around a beachside town hand in hand with your fabulous Monster in the sunshine and feeling that life is just about perfect.

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Polymorph Gallery

From Grace:

'After a 10 year rest PolyGallery is returning to the Sydney art scene in January 2009, showing the cream of Australian and international contemporary artists.

Polymorph Art Gallery aims to create:
• A professionally selective platform for emerging artists to display their work.
• Exposure of a high quality of contemporary art to the diverse audience that is attracted to Polymorph Body Piercing.
• A safe space for self-expression, all embracing and accessible to minorities and fringe culture.
• Inspiration in those who may not usually visit galleries.
• Space for all mediums in a unique environment.
• Cultural Evolution.


Polymorph Piercing Studio. 1 7/82 Enmore Rd Newtown, Australia'

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Little China Girl...

'Beijing artist Li Xiaofeng uses traditional Chinese porcelain - from the Song, Ming, Yuan and Qing dynasties, to be precise - to make ceramic clothes' say the ABC's Articulate blog.


Nothing But Mammals...

'All those dirty little beasts doing what comes unnaturally' piece by Emma Tom, from the Australian website (thanks to Urban Rev for putting me onto this):

'Google the word sex and there, alongside the predictable plague of free porn sites on the first page of 713 million results, is a short video called Slug Sex narrated by that well-known international pornographer David Attenborough.

"When an individual is looking for a partner, it gives its trail of slime a special taste to advertise the fact," Attenborough gushes as two lusty leopard slugs hook up for a slowie.

After providing a running commentary on the squelchy slug foreplay, Attenborough becomes almost as enthused as his hermaphroditic subjects when the big moment finally arrives.

"Suddenly, the pair start to slide downwards on a rope of mucous (and) each everts its male organ from just behind its head. Now, at last, sperm passes from one slug to other. The transfer is complete!"

Phwoar! I mean, hurrah! I mean, what a sober and completely untitillating educational experience.

Our fascination with the mucousy ropes and oddly situated penises of non-human intercourse is these days being serviced by a motherlode of eminently respectable books, docos and internet sites. Through these we can learn that redback spiders use their sex organs as pivots to somersault on to their partners' fangs for an orgasmic cannibalisation. It's toe-curling -- and also genital-curling -- stuff.

Then there's the Hugh Hefner-ish existence of the male painted crayfish, which shacks up with as many sheilas as he can squish into his coral bachelor pad.

And let's not forget:

* The pygmy chimpanzees or "jungle hippie". (These philanderers pair off for a poke at the slightest hint of danger, stress or boredom.)

* The sexually suicidal blanket octopus. (Males are 100 times smaller than females, which means sex for dudes is of the kamikaze variety and requires the use of a licentious, arm-like marital aid.)

* Aquatic warblers. (Europe's rarest songbirds are the most promiscuous and energetic lechers in the avian universe, with males indulging in orgies of up to 35 minutes compared with most birds' embarrassing one or two seconds.)

...Well, how are upstanding Christians supposed to explain what the Big Guy was thinking when he created the deep-sea angler fish, a breed that revels in an outrageous trinity of vampirism, semen prostitution and snuff sex? The fun starts when the male latches on to the much larger female's side and sucks her blood in exchange for sperm. Their flesh then permanently fuses, with some female deep-sea anglers swanning about with six-packs of suitors still attached. '

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Spurs For Jesus Xmas Eve Gig is ON!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Me just a LITTLE excited!

At the Annandale, I presume, so all you Sydneysiders dust yer boogie boots off and come on down ya hear?


Christ! Mass Drinks!

At our manger tomorrow from 4pm. Cruisy and chilled, with spa, nibblies and lots of bubbles...

Contact me for details!


Little Black Book

Day to a page. A5. Black leatherette. Gold gilt edging. Full Day Sat/Sun. Priority Listing at the top of each day. Printed on Environmentally Friendly paper.

It is the Queen of Diaries. Thankyou Monster!


Free Will For Dec 3-10th

CAPRICORN [December 22–January 19] From 1987 to 2006, Alan Greenspan was chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve and a major force in shaping the world's most powerful economy. When the recent troubles hit, Congress called on him to testify, and he confessed that there had been a flaw in his model of reality. All those years, he'd believed that "free, competitive markets are by far the unrivaled way to organize economies." Now, he saw he was wrong. While I'm sorry for the collective pain his mistaken ideas have unleashed, I'm elated for him personally: How many 82-year-old men are open to the possibility that their philosophy of life needs adjustment? How many people of any age are receptive to changing their ideas about how the world works? I invite you to take your inspiration from Greenspan, Capricorn. Be curious about how your own theories might need revision. Doing this heroic deed will energize you with good karma.

AQUARIUS [January 20–February 18] What's the healthiest rebellion you could launch, Aquarius? How might you overthrow the status quo in ways that would so thoroughly enhance the greater good that even the people bent on preserving the status quo would benefit? Given the fact that you are in a phase when your troublemaking skills are dovetailing very nicely with your ability to bestow blessings, these are excellent questions for you to consider.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

This Is Not A Life-Saving Device

From WA Today, classy as ever:

'Storm in a C-cup - 130,000 boobs lost at sea'

More than 130,000 inflatable breasts have been lost at sea en route to Australia.
Men's magazine Ralph was planning to include the boobs as a free gift with its January issue. The cargo is worth about $200,000, which is another blow for publisher ACP's parent company PBL, which is already in $4.3 billion of debt.

A spokeswoman for Ralph said the container left docks in Beijing two weeks ago but turned up empty in Sydney this week. The magazine has put out an alert to shipping authorities to see if they have the container, but if they don't turn up in the next 48 hours it will be too late for the next issue, she said. Ralph editor Santi Pintado urged anyone who has any information to contact the magazine. ``Unless Somali pirates have stolen them its difficult to explain where they are,'' Pintado said. ``If anyone finds any washed up on a beach, please let us know.''


Far Be It From Me To Judge...

I just let others do it for me, at the Museum of Bad Art.


What Gender Is It?

Monster's sis is up the duff, and the time came the other day for The Baby Shower. This necessitated the Monsters Two traipsing the aisles of kidswear in search of romper suits and such, combined with a hyper-awareness of all things child-related. It is SCARY out their in Normal Hettie World. Kiddies t-shirts say things like 'In case you are wondering-- I'm a boy'(lest the fairy wings he insists on wearing to the supermarket cast doubt on his sex I guess) and 'Daddy's Little Cupcake'(pink, so guess who this was for? And need I mention that the cake illustrated was topped with a CHERRY?!?). Grrr.

Still, the shower itself was LOTS of fun! We all bought plain baby clothes to decorate, plus an assortment of fabric pens, stencils, sequins, iron-on patches, felt, glue etc etc. We sat about drinking champagne and stitching and gluing and painting. Monster decorated a jumpsuit with a big green dinosaur patch, a felt bone and paw prints, spines down the back and claws on the feet (which she stitched on). I prettied up a bib with a big orange crab and lots of stenciled beach motifs, a hot pink jumpsuit with zebra-print patches and coloured pom poms and a tail (pom pom and ribbons) and another bib with red drops, black and red sequins, and black lettering spelling out 'Spit happens'. We were mighty pleased with our efforts.

And I even managed to keep my mouth shut* when one of the older ladies expressed that we should make sure that we didn't make anything too girly, in case the kid turns out to be a (straight non-metrosexual) boy, and as we didn't know the sex of it we should err on the side of masculine. As apparently it is much better to be a masculine girl than a feminine boy. Obviously there could be nothing worse than being mistaken for the Weaker Sex. Bloody hell- what century is it again?

* Cool parents who won't be inflicting any of that crap on the kid, so wasn't worth spoiling the day for the mum by having a huge fight with her ma-in-law. If it had been in other circumstances, OF COURSE I would have, umm, POLITELY suggested that I hoped she wasn't going to inflict her misogynist views on it whatever genital configuration it happened to show up with at any point.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Help The Rattlers!

From the Red Rattler crew:

'hey there, if you haven't heard, our DA for POPE (place of public
entertainment) license went to the early November Council meeting and
after a bit of lobbying, it was approved in principle! so yay! we're
happening! so what now....? well we're arranging a construction
certificate, then we go nuts putting in fire escapes, safety signage, fire
proofing, more electrical work, significant plumbing, we have to put in
more toilets and urinals as per the DA, set up our water tanks, fix up
upstairs, get a liquor license, waterproof and finish the bar, stock up
and plan a party! so we think we'll be open in February 2009. stay

in the meantime, its work mania to the max at the rat. if you'd like to
help with anything, please send us an email with
a couple of dot points on what you're willing to do, and what you can do,
like what are your skills, and we'll contact you when we're working on
that area. in the meantime, we're doing some cementing this weekend,
having a clean up working bee this Sunday 7 December, 2-4pm, and some
plasterboard/tiling action next weekend. if you can help contact us here
or just turn up on Sunday arvo with a vacuum cleaner!

the red rattler is run by a collective of volunteers, we're a grassroots
diy labour of love operation for our creative community xxx
The Red Rattler Theatre
6 Faversham St.
Marrickville NSW 2204 '

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Kooky Fans

Necrotitties and I at Kooky on the 22ns. Courtesy of SSO/Morgan Carpenter. Mwah!
